
Friday, February 1, 2013

Career Change

I'm having (yet another) career crisis. Time to brainstorm!

When I grow up I want to be:

1. Salesperson at Anthropologie - seriously, I've wanted to be this forever. Obviously the pay grade is a bit lower than I'm currently interested in, but on the other hand, I would be required to look this fabulous all the time.

Just kidding, I would never be this sparkly at work. This is clearly a New Year's Eve outfit. Or a disco ball. 

2. Buyer at Anthropologie - okay, this is basically the same as #1 but more relevant to post-college me. And in this career path I would be the person who finds pieces like the above jacket and forces all future Anthro shoppers to pick a side: jacket or disco ball. You can only pick one! That's the rule at Anthropologie! Also, I would make enough money that I could afford to put a giraffe bust above my fireplace.

3. BHLDN Wedding Planner - obviously this post just turned into an Urban Outfitters, Inc. love fest. Pretty typical. But seriously, look at this dress! Tell me you don't want to design an entire wedding around this dress!

4. Anthropologist - Ha! Not Anthropologie the store, but the same name! Oh so tricksy. Anyway, this is the only one on the list I'm actually thinking about. My B.A. is in Cultural Anthropology but I have spent the last 4 years convincing myself that I didn't really want to go down this career path. Recent events, however, have convinced me to give it a second look. Pros: 1. I LOVE thinking about culture and all the unanswerable questions associated with it. 2. Lots of travel. 3. University lifestyle. Cons: I may not like actual research. That's a big con if it's true, but I'm not convinced that it is. Thoughts?

Cape Point, South Africa. 

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